Key issues for the wine and spirit industry, including product traceability and consumer trends, will be discussed in detail at a series of industry briefings at the fair. Following the success of the Waverley Group's Face Value briefing at the 2001 show, this year it is releasing further results of its research. Buying behaviour of different types of consumers will be the theme. Using six consumer profiles, from Chardonnay Girl to Classic Connoisseur, the research details why the different consumer groups buy the wine they do and where they drink it. It will reveal key profiles for the current and future wine trade and highlight which consumers are most important to the take home market and how they differ from those in the on-trade. Waverley has used NFO Infratest's AlcoVision survey, which interviews 20,000 consumers a year. It says this is the largest consumer research data available in the UK alcoholic drinks market and gives the company a clear understanding of the dynamics of wine consumers' behaviour (Tuesday May 21, 11am). Traceability, one of the hot topics in the food trade, is being picked up by the Wine and Spirit Association. It is being chaired by master of wine Philip Goodband, who says: "The issue is very much consumer driven and many retailers are already enforcing the code of practice on traceability in the wine sector among their suppliers, so any organisation involved in the business needs to get up to speed with the facts." The code was launched last June in an effort to ensure authenticity and quality, as well as consumer confidence. It is being reviewed by various European bodies with a view to its introduction across the European Union (Wednesday May 22, 10.45am). Inroads into its traditional markets by New World producers have prompted France to reappraise its approach, and trade body Sopexa is running a seminar on the future of the French wine industry. It will be presented by Jacques Berthomeau of the French ministry of agriculture, who published a report on the industry last August. That initiative prompted a full industry review by the ministry and some of the issues it examined will be revealed at the seminar (Thursday May 23, 11am). Solutions to building a successful wine business will be put forward in a seminar sponsored by the Bordeaux Business School, Building a Global Blockbuster. Leading players from Gallo, Southcorp, Pommery and Antinori will give their views on the right marketing strategies in interviews by David Skalli of Skalli and Rein Wine Data Consulting (Wednesday May 22, 2pm to 4pm). A range of industry experts will explain the impact the euro has had on the international drinks trade in a debate sponsored by Harpers (Tuesday May 21, 3pm to 4pm). The briefings will be held in the Waterfront Rooms 27 and 28, overlooking the Royal Victoria Dock. {{FEATURES }}