Jo de Mille A teenage wizard and a veteran brand are the stars in Masterfoods' 2003 Christmas confectionery range, with a Harry Potter Cauldron and Selection Trunk and a limited edition 550g bucket of White Maltesers leading out the newcomers. The bucket, priced at £3.99, is one of two new seasonal Maltesers products ­ the other being hollow chocolate tree decorations containing a single Malteser (£1.99 for eight). The brand also features in a new limited edition star-shaped Celebrations 200g box (£2.79 or two for £5) containing just Malteser Teasers ­ voted the most popular Celebrations sweet. The cauldron (rsp: £4.99), available from Hallowe'en onwards, and the Selection Trunk both contain an assortment of Masterfoods' Harry Potter-branded confectionery, including Fizzing Whizzbees and Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans. Other highlights include new Minstrels and Revels buckets (£3.49 for 450g and £4.99 for 550g respectively) and a reusable champagne cooler filled with Celebrations (£13.55, 1550g). Meanwhile, redesigned selection boxes will feature an on-pack promotion offering participants the chance to win their weight in Lego bricks. {{MARKETING }}