
Nominations are sought from all parts of the food supply chain

The BBC has embarked on its latest search for the UK’s best food initiative of the past year.

As part of the 15th annual BBC Food & Farming Awards, the BBC is looking for nominations from all parts of the food supply chain – including the major retailers and food manufacturers – that showcase innovative work being done to improve food in the UK on a large scale.

The judging panel for the awards will include The Grocer’s managing editor, Julia Glotz, and well-known chefs and food broadcasters including Angela Hartnett, Giorgio Locatelli and Valentine Warner.

Panellists will take part in a special edition of BBC Radio 4’s Food Programme on 11 January, when they will appeal for nominations for the best food initiative.

Glotz said she was hoping to receive nominations from businesses and organisations taking a lead in improving the nation’s access to good, affordable and healthy food.

“I’m looking for bold ideas,” she said. “I’m looking for someone, or an organization, or a company, that isn’t afraid to take risks and shake things up, and am particularly excited to see initiatives that address the really big challenges that we are facing; be it around sustainability, the environment, waste, or perhaps even around health.”

She added that judges would also be looking for examples of collaboration. “The most sustainable long term impact of these initiatives are felt when different parts of the supply chain come together, from the producer, right through to the retailer and ultimately the consumer.”

Last year’s finalists included Sainsbury’s for its investment in new techniques designed to improve the sustainability of fish farming; Goldthorpe’s Community Shop, an initiative helping to reduce food waste and tackle food poverty by redistributing food and drink from the supply chains of major UK retailers; and Feedback, a charity with a wide range of initiatives aimed at reducing food waste around the world.

Previous winners include Asda (2004) for its use of distribution hubs to increase local sourcing; and Marks & Spencer (2006) for pioneering work on sustainable seafood and the removal of trans-fats. 

Applicants can either nominate their own work or that of someone else. Nominations will be open until 26 January 2015 and can be made through the award website

Winners will be announced at the BBC Food & Farming Awards 2015, to be held in Bristol on Thursday 30 April, followed by a special programme on BBC Radio 4 featuring the winners and judges.
