Sian Harrington
Cadbury Trebor Bassett is ramping up investment in foodservice in a bid to grow the stagnant confectionery market.
The company, formed a year ago from the merger of Cadbury and Trebor Bassett, believes the sector offers one of its best hopes of growing the category. Its primary focus will be pubs and clubs, catering, quick service restaurants, events and travel. CTB expects its sponsorship of this summer's Commonwealth Games alone to generate up to £2m in extra sales per year as it builds links with hotel groups, venue operators and air and rail companies.
CTB research shows that, while the impulse sector offers 106,000 outlets and grocery provides 6,400, there are 283,000 foodservice outlets offering potential.
Its strategy is to launch brands in a format that is accessible and appropriate for the occasion and environment and to underpin this with vending. A 100-strong dedicated out-of-home team is supporting the programme.
CTB is testing a carded offer aimed at pubs which features packs of Tasters, Jelly Babies and Butterkist. It has also introduced ice creams with mini sachets of Crunchie and Buttons toppings.
The moves follow CTB's success at developing products for fast food chains like McDonald's and KFC. The company says its Creme Egg McFlurry was the biggest selling product at McDonald's this Easter.

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