10 things you need to know about... Cakes & Biscuits
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By Emma Sturgess2015-11-27T11:07:00+00:00
Now in recyclable packaging, Sunshine Biscuits’ Scrabble Junior letter Cheez-It crackers ($2.88/£1.90) can claim to be environmentally friendly as well as educational. They’re kosher and vitamin-fortified and made with real cheese.
Bye bye biscotti, hello ProtoBisco. Fooditalia’s Ciao Carb snack pack contains two coffee-flavoured low-carb biscuits (€2.40/£1.68). High in protein and fibre, they’re made with soy and pea proteins and egg white.
Go Raw’s Lemon Pie sprouted cookies ($4.99/£3.29) have a super-clean label featuring just coconut, sprouted sesame seeds, dates and lemon oil. They’re consequently free from most things, as well as being organic.
The Nutrition et Santé company brings great Soyjoy to Monoprix with these coconut and lemon biscuits (€3/£2.10). They’re high in fibre with dessicated coconut, dried apricots, apple and lemon in a soy base.
Breakfast biscuits go savoury with Lance’s wholegrain-rich Quick Starts Cheddar and bacon biscuit sandwiches ($2.50/£1.65). Quick Starts are available in eight variants including raspberry Greek yoghurt and maple French toast.
Flower cakes are traditionally simple steamed cakes containing a bean paste filling, sometimes scented with roses. These ones (CNY9.90/£1.02) are microwaveable, and the white bean paste is flavoured with lilies.
Raw vegan brand Ape Man has fashioned a non-baked take on red velvet cake ($5.99/£3.95) using beetroot, nuts and dates, with a cashew-based frosting. It contains no gluten or refined sugars.
The Farm on the Road brand makes much of provenance, and claims these iced cakes (KRW3200/£1.82) are made with ingredients bought directly from farms, including tangerines from Jeju Island.
Packed with 14 cereals and seeds including oats, rye, barley, buckwheat, spelt, sorghum, millet and teff, these fibre-rich individual cakes (€1.69/£1.18) from La Bella Easo rely on chocolate chips to bring the fun.
General Mills brand Fiber One claims its cheesecake bar ($2.99/£1.97) supplies 20% of recommended daily fibre intake. The bar has a biscuit base, cheesecake topping and central stripe of salted caramel.
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