The Milk Development Council is linking the consumption of milk with physical beauty in a bid to convince teenage girls they should drink more of the white stuff.
A two-year, EU-backed £3m marketing campaign, launched this week, focuses on the benefits of the constituent parts in milk and dairy products.
The Naturally Beautiful drive includes adverts that claim milk is packed with amino acids and minerals that can keep hair, skin and teeth looking good.
Vicky Hathaway, marketing manager at the MDC, said: “There are 2.25 million girls aged 11-16 in Great Britain. If every one of them drank just one extra glass of milk a day,
that’s 164 million extra litres of milk a year. We’re aiming to make eating dairy a healthy habit, so that it’s not just during the next two years we’ll see increases in consumption among these girls, but for the rest of their lives.”
Hathaway added: “And as the mothers of the future, they will be instrumental in encouraging future generations to eat a healthy amount of a variety of dairy products.”
A range of media will be used, including cinema, radio and press. There are separate ads for milk, cheese and yoghurt, and a fourth, targeted at mums, highlighting the “invisible threat of calcium deficiency”.
The campaign was conceived after MDC research indicated that only one in four girls was eating three dairy products each day, as recommended by The Dairy Council in its 3-a-day campaign as essential for maintaining bone health.
In February, MDC marketing director Liz Broadbent admitted that selling milk on its calcium and bone-building merits was not enough to switch on the vital teenage girl market.
Richard Clarke
