
manufacturer Lever Fabergé

brand Surf

agency Lowe

budget part of a £6.7m spend

A new campaign features cult comedy duo Adam and Joe who are subjecting TV’s celebrity designer Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen to a little torture to check that Surf removes 99 top stains.

manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline

brand Panadol Actifast

agency Ogilvy

budget £1m

New TV ads for Panadol Actifast aim to emphasise the product’s speed and efficacy by linking it with various 21st century ‘fast’ experiences such as cars and food. The endline is: ‘This fast world causes pain. It doesn’t stop for it.’
ryvita Tondo’s

manufacturer Ryvita

brand Tondo’s

agency Walsh Trott Chick Smith

budget part of a £2m spend

Press ads for Tondo’s will be running in weekly and monthly magazines during the next nine weeks, including Marie Claire, Heat and The Sunday Times Magazine. The creatives, which are targeted mainly at women, feature head and shoulders shots of models wearing the rice snacks as fashion accessories. The campaign will be backed by sampling activity at shopping centres, stations and health clubs.Diet Coke

manufacturer Coca-Cola Enterprises

brand Diet Coke

agency Lowe & Partners

budget undisclosed

Supermodel Caprice fronts a new ad for Diet Coke’s Silver Screen promotion offering consumers the chance to win a trip to a Hollywood première. She uses a forklift truck to grab as many cans in a bid to win the prize herself.
