With the start of the new pilchard season comes the likelihood of some shortages according to importers, who are worried that the massive South African domestic demands will take first call in the initial product. Due to a recall last season, stocks on the SA market have been tight, and as the market dominates world demand, producers are expected to ensure supplies are maintained. Demand is increasing for pilchards in developing countries as they are a relatively cheap form of protein - Ongoing fish availability is causing problems for Portuguese and Moroccan sardine canners. Reports of delayed shipments from both countries are creating stock shortages, although with the summer catch season approaching, there should be an easing. Larger than usual fish have added to the frustration, in particular where specifications call for a minimum count of four fish per can, a far cry from the days when the most popular count was 8/10 per can. {{M/E CANNED GOODS }}
