Canadian processors alarmed by reports of threat to Fraser run Pink salmon pack likely to return to normality With retail tuna prices being forced upwards, attention is now switching to red and pink salmon. North American canners have been clearing stocks before the new season starts in a few weeks' time, against forecasts of a red pack similar to last year in both Alaska and Canada of 3.2 million cases, (basis 48 x 213g). After a disappointing pink pack last year, down 40% on normal, expectations are that it will be back to normal, ie around 6.5 million cases, (basis 48 x 213g). Recent pronouncements by the Pacific Salmon Commission that there could be a virtual closure of the Fraser River system to preserve a dwindling Adams River resource has caused concern among the last few remaining Canadian processors. They depend on the Fraser for a large part of their requirement. As the migrating pattern of the Fraser fish allows some US fishermen to share the catch, both countries have been in discussion as to how best to preserve the valuable Fraser run. This has led to speculation a total closure could be possible. Sources in Vancouver deny this is a likely solution, but it is a worry for the Canadian industry, already depleted due to lack of fish for commercial use. Recent agreements giving ethnic groups priority fishing rights over commercial and sports fishermen add further pressure on the limited fish stocks. l Bargains in tuna were still around this week despite the impending price hikes, with a four-pack of Princes tuna chunks in sunflower oil (4 x 185g) for £2.38 at Tesco in Durrington, West Sussex. Cheapest tuna chunks on offer were Tesco tuna chunks in brine (185g), source the Seychelles or Ecuador, for 29p, while flakes in brine were 23p. John West tuna steak 3 x 80g was on bogof for £1.49. {{M/E CANNED GOODS }}
