New Zealand canned fruit and veg supplier Heinz Wattie's is pushing the five-a-day message on canned products.
The company is using a new symbol to prompt customers who were unaware that canned fruit and veg count towards the recommended amount.

More butter, smp
Market developments are pushing dairies to make big changes in their use of milk, DEFRA figures have revealed.
Ordinarily butter and SMP have the lowest priority, but milk use in August was up 5% for butter and nearly 30% for SMP compared with last year.
Both of these increases were larger than in the previous seven months so far this year.
As a reflection of the sudden improvement in August in exports of condensed milk, output in this sector shot ahead 8% and, similarly, full cream powder rose even more by 18% as prices and markets improved.
In earlier months, both condensed milk and whole milk powder production had been falling compared with 2001.
Because of these switches in priorities, cheese manufacturers took the opportunity in August to cut their output.

brazil rise
Cattle prices in Brazil rose again last week, reaching an all-time high, but some of this was offset by the weakening currency caused by pre-election fever. Financial uncertainty prevails with a likely weakening of the dollar.
Some relief has come from Argentina where recent import statistics show it gaining ground in the US and the EU.
Brazil remains the largest supplier of corned beef by far.

Apricots up 12%
Early reports suggest this season's South African apricot crop prices are up around 12%.
The pack is due to start at the end of November for four weeks before moving onto peaches. The price rises are also likely to affect peaches, pears and fruit cocktail. Traders report costs have risen with prices for tin plate up 14% and sugar substantially higher, although they said labour costs are relatively stable.

tuna weaker
There has been talk of weaker tuna prices as Indian Ocean raw material dropped to $600/t for a quality skipjack. But elsewhere prices have remained firm. Bangkok reported $750/t and Spanish canners were paying well over $800/t, so any drop in retail costs seems unlikely.
Mackerel prices have reached an all-time high, forcing Danish and German producers to increase their quotes for new season business by 8.5%. According to importers UK buying has been slow in the hope the surge in costs may be short lived but there are no signs of that.
Sardine prices remain firm and pilchards have been following their normal pattern of poor catches and the lack of Namibian product continues forcing UK importers to source from South Africa and suffer the full duty rate.