All Cheese articles – Page 40

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    Cheese: Rowcliffe blasts low price mania


    Tim Rowcliffe, incoming chairman of the Specialist Cheesemakers' Association, has launched a broadside at supermarkets for concentrating on price at the expense of quality. "For too long the British have been subjected to bland, mass produced cheap...

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    Japanese say cheese


    Who says it's nigh on impossible to sell strong tasting cheeses to Japan? Singleton's stand at this month's Foodex show in Tokyo was mobbed by Japanese buyers eager to taste the firm's traditional Stiltons and more unusual products such as...

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    Strip Cheese does a twin pack act


    Kraft's latest cheese snack launch is a countline version of kids snack Dairylea Strip Cheese. The new version is a twin pack and contains the same product as the original four pack. It will be price marked 39p at launch to drive trial (it usually...

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    Are major UK multiples missing out on a chance to add some sparkle to their customers' shop? Many shoppers view good cheese as an indulgent treat for which they are prepared to pay good money. British Cheese Board secretary Nigel White says:...