The Spanish stalkless Picota crop grown in the designated Valle de Jerte region west of Madrid has been badly hit by poor fruit set which may ultimately reduce production by 60% of its full potential. With Picota harvesting due to start between June 7-10, Matthew Hancock, trading director of Redbridge Produce Marketing, the UK's largest importer, warned the season would be "tricky" and prices would probably rise. Supermarkets' insatiable appetite may mean the overall drop is not reflected so harshly in UK import figures. - Initial estimates of the north west US cherry crop indicate there will be more fruit available from Washington and Oregon states this season compared with last year. In total these two states forecast 133,000t, an increase from 118,000t in 2000, well up on the five-year average of 109,000t. Washington State expects some 96,000t, some 8,000t more, while Oregon has 36,000t compared with 29,5000t over the last season. Final figures can change radically as the crop is susceptible to weather damage. Only some 70% of sales are for the fresh market. {{M/E FRESH PRODUCE }}