Clipper, the Fairtrade and organic tea manufacturer, is looking to capitalise on the popularity of oats by bringing out an organic oat and malt breakfast drink.

Clipper plans to promote the benefits of the slow-acting energy release of oats with its instant Organic Oat Cup beverage, which is enhanced with flavours of cinnamon and apple, and is positioned as an ideal addition at breakfast time.

Marketing manager for Clipper, Julie Rideout, is confident the new product will match the company's success with organic and Fairtrade tea. "Organic Oat Cup is utterly delicious and filling. It's like a meal in a cup and is not only the perfect drink for first thing in the morning but it will keep you fully fuelled and ready for action until lunchtime.

"At Clipper we pride ourselves on bringing the highest quality, most delicious, organic and Fairtrade hot beverages to the market," she said.

The drink, rsp £2.99 for a 400g jar, is currently listed in health food stores throughout the UK.