Hard discount retailer Netto Foodstores has appointed Clive Cooper as trading director to replace John Buitekant who left the company in the autumn.
Cooper takes up the role next week, with overall buying responsibility for Netto’s beers and soft drinks, wines and spirits, confectionery, biscuits and cakes, toiletries and non-food items. He will also be responsible for much of the company’s marketing and PR.
He is moving back to his native Yorkshire from Hertfordshire, where he worked with Booker for four years. Cooper was most recently the cash and carry’s director of
trading, prior to which he held other senior positions, including alcohol category manager and director of trading for fresh and frozen food. Cooper said: “It’s a great time to be joining the Netto team as momentum builds behind our UK expansion plans. I’m relishing the new challenges ahead and can’t wait to get involved in my new role.”
Managing director Claus Waedeled added that Cooper was joining at an exciting time for the company as a further 25 stores were planned.
And he said: “Good businesses are defined by the people that they employ.
“Clive has a great track record and brings everything we were looking for to the table.”
Netto, a subsidiary of Dansk Supermarket Group based in Denmark, now has 135 stores across the UK.
Fiona McLelland