Dispatches has been terrible lately. Last week it dramatically revealed c-stores were pricier than supermarkets, before that it tried to nobble Poundland for selling small pots of Nutella. The week it was WeightWatchers: How They Make Their Millions (Dispatches, 8pm, C4, 28 January).
Jane Moore trudged around, wearily trying to expose WeightWatchers for not being a miracle cure for weight loss, looking like she’d rather be anywhere else. She was helped out by an irritating pop choir, a singing vox pop, who all gasped dramatically when they saw the long list of ingredients WeightWatchers uses to make its ice cream taste a bit like real ice cream. I haven’t gasped that loudly since my wife called me “tubby”.
We also saw what happens in a WeightWatchers meeting. Or rather we saw the bit where the rep flogs WeightWatchers stuff to the punters, thanks to Dispatches secretly smuggling in a camera like it was infiltrating the BNP rather than a room full of people looking to lose a few pounds.
It emerged the NHS spends £5bn every year fighting the obese (perhaps they are more dangerous than I thought?) and £1m a year on WeightWatchers food. Isn’t there someone working there who can produce a low-calorie menu a bit cheaper? It’s the NHS!
As the show groaned to a close, like me polishing off an extra-large Pepperoni Plus, one stunned woman was told she had spent £101.77 on Weight-Watchers for every pound lost. On reflection, that’s not so bad. It’s got to be cheaper than lipo.
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