We’re suckers for a celeb endorsement here at P&F, not least because it means we get to hang out with the stars as they promote a newfound enthusiasm for improbable products. We wheel them out for radio days and media interviews and hang around pretending they’re our friends and not here just for the £5,000 (or by the time it’s billed to the client, £10,000). Of course, our clients are too mean to pay for proper stars, so we end up rubbing shoulders with a Saturday or possibly the one from N-Dubz who stands at the back. Or, if you’re Morrisons, Ant and Dec.
Anyhow, all of these have been trumped by the exciting revelation that Aggie MacKenzie is the new face of Spontex, the cloths and sponges behemoth. It’s win-win, because a product range this dull can only be enhanced by the endorsement of the Scots scrubber (in a cleaning sense, obviously). You can believe Aggie will get down on her knees and mop up spills with her new BF’s products. Whereas, for example, Ronnie Corbett looks like he’s never eaten a Wiltshire Farm frozen housebound special in his life.
You can tell I’ve been ‘working’ from home. Daytime TV ads are truly shocking. And snooty advertising boys still have the cheek to look down on us PR girlies! Anyone you’ve even vaguely heard of is knocking out something, much of it in dodgy ambulance-chasing pawnbroker territory. One face that would brighten up any afternoon ‘writing a report’ is missing, though: Barry Scott. The fictitious-but-forceful face and voice of Cillit Bang seems to have been expunged (with a Spontex cloth) from brand history. There’s not even a mention of him on the website: bang and Barry was gone. The BBB campaign starts here.
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