This may be a surprise to anyone at the old fogey end of The Grocer readership spectrum, but I don’t remember Margaret Thatcher. I was only five on the day she resigned. Apparently Daddy wore a black armband for a month. Anyway, from what I’ve seen and read this week, her legacy lives on in PR, loud and proud. She appears to have been the inspiration for every food and drink agency head around. Big hair, deep voice, absolutely determined in the face of logic, reason, fact and argument to do the wrong thing. She did look smaller than most CEOs, who tend to favour plus sizes. Packages keep arriving here for Karoline (with a K) from Castaluna: “curvy confident style in sizes 14-36”. And she didn’t sport the leather skirt, at least in public, which is frequently used by our industry leaders to subdue male clients.
So till Monday, if you said Thatcher, I thought cider. Which is never good, because that might lead to drinking some. In fact, I’m surprised Bulmers’ latest TV ad - which shows in reverse a twenty-somethings’ night out that began with Bulmers - doesn’t retrace its steps from an opening shot of a pool of Bold Black Cherry cider-infused vomit on the pavement outside Strawberry Moons’ nightclub. Experience (other people’s, obviously) suggests that is the inevitable outcome for any evening starting with cider.
Almost as inevitably, Asda failed to field a spokesman on the Today programme to defend its Starting Price range of processed horse products. The void was filled by a man from the FSA, which headlined the story on its website “Very low levels of bute in Asda corned beef”. Surely that should have been “Very low levels of beef…”?
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