Association of Convenience Stores chief executive David Rae has hit back at critics who said the ACS mishandled its response and was slow to react to the bid by Tesco for T&S Stores.

Speaking at the ACS annual conference in York, Rae said: “We came under intense pressure from some areas of the trade press, and one organisation in particular, who said we were hampered by our multiple members.”

But he said the speed of response was dictated by the association’s need to consult fully with its members. It had used the maximum time allowed by the OFT to seek members’ views, produce and circulate a draft, and revise it before submitting it.

Both Rae and Budgens executive chairman Eoin McGettigan, who was chairman of the conference, called for government action to prevent below-cost selling and introduce more transparency in pricing. Rae said there was a need for legislation to safeguard suppliers and prevent anti-competitive practices by the supermarkets.

Further details can be found in this week’s copy of The Grocer.
