Pet care buyer, Safeway Recent brand relaunches in the dry market have encouraged consumers to switch brands to try new products. Innovation has been centred on health claims for dry products and they have led a trend out of wet food into dry or a wet/dry combination diet. At Safeway, entertainment can now often be seen at the fixtures, from innovations such as our barking shelf-talkers to dancing toy mice featuring on off-shelf display shippers. Ravi Kalyan Pet care Buyer, Sainsbury Dog treats are showing strong growth driven by processed treats from branded manufacturers. Natural rawhide treats are performing well and own label is much stronger in dog treats with Sainsbury having a good range. Complete dry food shows strong growth, especially in our stores. The area is driven by Bakers. Pedigree has also relaunched its dry dog food offer to capture this growth. Pet healthcare products also show double digit growth. Sarah Jane Williamson Category marketing manager, the Co-operative Group The value of single serve cat pouches and foil packs in grocers has increased 7% year-on-year. With the trend towards owning small dogs and the launch of the Pedigree pouch, standard 400g cans of dog food are now in decline. Own label dry cat food has increased its share from branded products. Dry own label dog food is slightly in decline and brands like Bakers and Iams are on the increase. {{FOCUS ON }}
