from John Bunnell, East Portlemouth, Devon

Sir; I am dismayed that Tesco has agreed to buy degradable bags. The justification for degradability is suspect and the effectiveness more so.

I was the MD of Alida Packaging in the 1980s when we carried out pioneering work on reducing the environmental impact of carrier bags.

During this period Alida manufactured carriers for most of the large multiples, especially Tesco and Sainsbury. We readily accepted the objectives of reduce, re-use and recycle.

The problem of litter will not be solved by degradable bags. We need to stop people discarding bags and the best way to do this is for the retailer to provide bags which the customer wants to re-use.

Ideally the bags should be made from recycled polythene.

Finally, I would like to explode the myth that paper bags are more environmentally-friendly. Most bags end up in landfill. Neither plastic or paper degrades in those conditions but the paper bag occupies several times the volume of the plastic one.
