Just as a story about Tesco selling live turtles in China comes out, another supermarket gets in on the act but from a different angle. Asda is now talking turtle. It has teamed up with the Marine Conservation Society and fishermen in Sri Lanka to save thousands of endangered marine turtles. I'm sure it's just coincidence, but a well-timed one.

The Competition Commission's website is hardly the place for light relief, but it's worth a visit to see the responses to its Emerging Thinking by members of the public. Peter Freeman gets a bashing from a couple of consumers, including one letter, which begins "I listened to you on the telly and wonder what planet you are on". Gripes include claims that nobody in Tesco has time for a chat and that the retailer is destroying the high street. One signs his letter "I could go on but I suspect you wouldn't want to listen". Move over 'disgruntled of Tunbridge Wells'!

If you've ever had to sit through Ocado's ghastly radio adverts you will feel sympathy for the writer of a letter in this month's John Lewis Gazette. "Do we, as stakeholders of Ocado, have any influence on their marketing?" asks the writer who describes the ad, where the word Ocado is sung to the tune of The Music Man, as "excrutiatingly embarrassing". Robin Philips, head of customer development, replied: "Although they may not be to all tastes, [Ocado's] radio adverts have proved to be successful". In encouraging people to switch radio channels, I assume he means.

The Grocer team happily accepted a truckload of Brit Awards branded mineral water this week, reminding everyone Valentine's Day was the date of the music event. But while the packaging flagged up all things British, the contents weren't quite so patriotic. Someone discovered the water came from Germany. It makes you proud to be British, doesn't it?

