How did you get where you are today?

I started out on the technical side on the Boots graduate scheme but switched to commercial after 18 months. After five years there, I left to join the healthcare buying team at Tesco. I've had several different buying positions in this team and now have overall responsibility for healthcare lines within all Tesco stores, including the 200 in-store pharmacies.

What was the best decision you have made in your career and why?

Being bold enough to take the opportunity to change when it arose - the Boots restructure gave me the chance to move down south to join Tesco, a much bigger organisation and a totally different channel.

Do you have a mentor and how have they helped you in your career?

Yes I do - an old boss of mine from my  last job. I reported to her for my first commercial role and have stayed in contact since. She was instrumental in helping me make the move to Tesco as she also moved from Boots to a grocer and so understood the differences in how they trade.

What is the most important piece of advice you have ever been given?

Whomever you meet through work, try and build up a relationship and maintain that relationship - personal contacts are the key to success.

What is the most rewarding part of your job?

Seeing the team operating efficiently to deliver great results for customers. The best feeling is when one of the team presents a project to the business and it becomes reality.

What is the one thing that you could not do your job without?

Technology. Trade changes on a day-to-day basis so having up-to-date information is key. Tesco has invested in reporting systems that allow me to understand trade issues at the touch of a button. Being in contact and being contactable is also essential - mobile technology allows me to operate anywhere and at any time.

What do you like doing when you are not working?

Socialising. I have the best of both worlds with my job - I commute to the office in Welwyn Garden City but live in Islington, north London, which means I can take advantage of all that the capital has to offer during the evenings and at weekends.

Where do you hope to be in five years' time?

I'd like to have gained experience in other categories at Tesco, particularly in the core category of food. I'd also like to have worked abroad with the company.
