What was the best decision you have made in your career and why? Leaving Tesco - it felt like leaving a big family, and it was a fantastic training ground, but since I left I have not looked back. I joined Uniq just as the UK business was being re-structured, which afforded me a fantastic opportunity to take up the role of MD of its Paignton desserts business, which has proved to be a life-changing experience.

At the same time I have been able to relocate my family down to Devon to enjoy a fantastic quality of life at the heart of the English Riviera.

Who do you most admire in grocery? I have learnt something different from each of my last three bosses - Dido Harding, Carolyn Bradley and Rick Turnbull. Completely different people, utterly brilliant, and huge fun in various different ways.

What is the most important piece of information you have ever been told? It is from the Bible, actually. It is about being straight with people: 'Let your no be no and your yes be yes.'

What is the most rewarding part of your job? I really enjoy identifying and nurturing talented individuals who have clear potential. It is hugely satisfying to see them grow and their talent and careers flourish. I get a real kick out of developing people's strengths.

What is the one thing that you could not do your job without? I could not do my job without self belief. The unshakeable conviction that what you are doing really matters and that you will overcome all the obstacles to succeed.

If you could start your career again, what would you do differently and why? I would try not to be too much of a perfectionist. Often achieving 95% right can be enough.

What advice would you give to someone starting out in the industry today? I would advise someone starting out in the industry to focus on their strengths and surround themselves with people who compensate for their weaknesses rather than attempt to be a jack-of-all-trades.

What do you like doing when you are not working? I am a keen amateur tri-athlete, having been bitten by the bug when at Tesco and I was roped into the company 'Badgers' squad! My family is also very important to me. I have a four-year-old, two-year-old and a newborn and they all keep me busy.

Where do you hope to be in five years time? I want to be a chief executive officer or UK managing director of a £1bn+ food manufacturing business. Alternatively, I would like to cross back into retail as a commercial or marketing director of a top UK supermarket.