Morrisons reasserts itself this week and takes the top spot in the retailer chart, standing five percentage points ahead of its nearest rival. Last week's top two, Asda and Safeway, have dropped down the charts to positions two and five respectively.
Other than Morrisons, the only retailer to move upwards is Sainsbury which climbs from number five to take third place. Easter themes are becoming more prevalent this week with increasingly large displays and will no doubt continue to become dominant in the next few weeks.
The category chart is stable with only one movement, at number five, with confectionery coming in as a new entry supported by activity on Easter eggs.
Soft drinks at number one improves its share of the market, climbing by four percentage points, while alcoholic drinks remains stable at number two. The activity on alcoholic drinks focuses mainly upon lagers, which relies upon multibuy offers and wines which feature a number of price promotions. Likewise household at number four has improved by two percentage points.
In the brand chart everything has changed. Heinz and Cadbury have both jumped up the chart to take positions one and two respectively.
Five brands have dropped, including Coca-Cola, Kellogg's, Fanta Mars and Walkers. There are three new entries ­ Nestlé, Comfort and Princes.
In the own label category chart soft drinks comes in as a new entry to take the number one spot.
Health and beauty also improves its position moving up by three places to number two. Household, frozen and alcoholic drinks have all gone down this week.