Shopworkers' union Usdaw has broken through the 100,000 members barrier at Tesco, strengthening further the union's position as the holder of the biggest section of union members in the UK.

Head of recruitment strategy at Usdaw, deputy general secretary John Hannett said: "We're delighted with this breakthrough. Our shopfloor reps and officials are doing a fantastic job helped by the excellent recruitment facilities provided by Tesco which includes inviting us to the induction when a new store opens."

"Nationally, Usdaw has increased its membership by over 10,000 over the last 12 months to 318,000 members. ."

"We are laying the foundations for Usdaw to go from strength to strength. I envisage a union twice our current size in the not too distant future."

The Partnership agreement is currently being reviewed with both parties commited to improving the partnership.

Usdaw has targetted Sainsbury and Morrisons to recruit new members.

"We can use our experience and expertise to make a difference within the business. We can offer solutions to problems of absenteeism, help make flexible working agreements and offer ways to help women in the workforce. But we remain independent and will raise constructive critism where necessary in a sensible manner as we understand the industry."

not an us and them' situation - voluntary agreements are the best
"The partnership is unique. It improves consultation and gives our staff a voice in the company.
happy for staff to join the union
The relationship is positive and constructive and we look to strengthen it," said a Tesco spokesman.
"We recognise the T&G and have a partnership agreement with Usdaw. Usdaw does add value to the business and we look to develop a positive relationship." Gillian Hall, PR Controller at Morrisons.
"We have a very proactive working relationship with USDAW and recognise that by working together with the unions, we can balance the needs of the business and the needs and interests of colleagues both collectively and individually. We recognise that Trade Unions have a constructive and effective role to play in the employment relationship and can add value to the decision making process. We are committed to supporting our colleagues and creating an environment where they will support us in achieving our goals as a business." Colin Moffat, HR Business Partner at Sainsbury's.

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