Musgrave Budgens Londis has called on suppliers to work closely with the group to simplify relationships.
Speaking at the group’s supplier conference this week, trading director Barry Williams said communication had been at fault for under- performance in certain categories, including the disastrous performance of Nestlé’s Wonka Bars at MBL.
If suppliers were to maximise sales potential with the group a huge culture change was required, said Williams.
“We have to work closely together over the next 12 months to make everything as simple as possible. We have to simplify terms, communications, promotions and ranging.”
MBL’s range is next in line for simplification and a contract with convenience consultancy SRCG has just been signed to simplify 18 key categories to create the ‘perfect offer’.
“We have to put the customer and consumer at the heart of everything we do,” said Williams. “We have already tweaked and refined the tobacco offer to improve range and availability. We have taken the complexity out and as a result have gained double-digit sales growth.”
Plans have also been introduced to simplify the two fascias. The group has set size definitions for the Budgens and Londis formats and will ensure all stores conform. Budgens stores are to be 2,000 to 10,000 sq ft while Londis stores will be 1,000 to 2,000 sq ft.
Since Musgrave paid out the second ‘loyalty’ payment in August to retailers for sticking with them after the takeover in July 2004, MD Mike Taylor said that 54 stores had left, but that there had been no negative effect on the balance sheet.
“The deluge of leavers has failed to materialise and now Londis retailers are investing in their stores at record levels. The average investment in refit has gone up 80% in just 12 months.”