It looks suspiciously like a publicity stunt to liven up this weekend's Co-op Congress, but it didn't require a sensationalist report from the Co-op to remind us that consumers have been "bewitched, bothered and bewildered" by modern food production and marketing methods. The brightest minds from retailing and manufacturing have been wrestling with this issue for months. But, without sounding complacent, their efforts are bearing fruit. So given the biggest and best Co-op brains are at the forefront of the all-industry actions to restore consumer confidence on a range of food matters, it's all the more surprising it should churn out such an ill-timed report. No one can doubt the caring, sharing movement's long-held commitment to ensuring shoppers' interests remain at the forefront of its trading policy. But why must the issues be dressed up in a litany of colourful "crimes" like contamination, cannibalism and pillage, and then paraded in front of a slavering media, not to mention misguided militants within the consumer lobby? After all, with consumer interests very much in mind, there's been much effort recently on maintaining best practice in the food industry. And that was most effectively highlighted at London's Café Royal on Wednesday when the work of the Foresight panels, of which the Co-op is part, was presented. The FDF is right to warn that the public's perception of the food industry could be harmed by the document, and just at the time the whole industry is getting behind the Food Standards Agency to help rebuild confidence. Add the efforts of Nick Brown and his team, enterprising retailers, the NFU (no longer a grocery-bashing "muck and nettles group") plus IGD and the ubiquitous FDF, and an encouraging scenario should be obvious to all. The Co-op was wrong to publish this report. Bidding for the moral high ground at this time with carefully crafted soundbites can only lead to hostile tabloids and sensation-seeking tv presenters taking the comments out of context. And that will frighten even more consumers. Clive Beddall, Editor {{OPINION }}
