Tesco has implemented new computerised warehouse management systems from Retek in South Korea and Malaysia that it claims will drive its Asian operations to new levels of operating efficiency.
The software, which optimises the flow of goods through Tesco's new central distribution centres in both countries, would integrate seamlessly with a new Retek merchandising system Tesco is preparing to install across its global business, said group development director Doug Rutledge.
"This amounts to a step change in our capabilities." Tesco has also developed a bespoke version of TIE ­ a web based portal to help suppliers track the progress of their goods through Tesco's supply chain in South Korea.

n full control
Scottish & Newcastle has bought out its joint venture partner to take full control of Portugal's second largest brewer, Centralcer. It has also bought Sociedade da Agua de Luso, which produces Portugal's top bottled water brand Luso.

n arla jobs go
Scandinavian dairy giant Arla Foods is to slash 600 jobs across its administrative departments in Sweden and Denmark.

n top men quit
Three senior executives at Ahold's US Foodservice unit have resigned after auditors discovered an $880m hole in its accounts ­ some $300m more than originally feared.
Chief executive Jim Miller, chief financial officer Michael Resnick, and executive vice president David Abramson left this week.
Robert Tobin becomes interim CEO.
The company said it expected to meet a June 30 deadline for the restatement of its 2002 accounts imposed by a consortium of five banks who stumped up a E3.1bn lifeline to keep Ahold going. Meeting the deadline will allow Ahold to draw $915m from the loan to address the problems discovered at US Foodservice.

SABMiller is to buy a majority stake in Birra Peroni, the Italian brewer of Peroni and Nastro Azzurro with the view of taking full control in three to five years. Its 51% to 60% stake will cost f246m based on an enterprise value of f563m.

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