Tesco will start closing petrol stations kiosks overnight at its 24-hour superstores from next week in an efficiency drive.
All Tesco forecourts have been upgraded over the last couple of years, with the Pay@pump card payment facility installed.
Customers will therefore still be able to fill up with petrol overnight at the 160 superstores which open round the clock, as long as they are not paying cash.
A spokeswoman said: "We are changing the way we operate our forecourts but they will still trade 24 hours.
"Our forecourt kiosks are a lot quieter at night. It is a commercial decision to have them closed. Customers still have the convenience of the Pay@pump facility."
She added: "The vast majority of customers pay with credit, debit and fuel cards anyway, and they can use those to pay at the pump."
The kiosks affected will be closed at midnight and re-open at 6am. The new regime will be rolled out to the superstores over the next five to six weeks.
All employees affected by the move towards Pay@pump will be redeployed instore, adjacent to the petrol forecourt, said a spokeswoman.
Tesco's 24-hour superstore petrol stations are currently manned at night by a skeleton staff of at least two.
Tesco has a total of 340 petrol filling stations, including 112 Tesco Express forecourt sites.
An Asda spokesman said Asda was moving toward unmanned petrol forecourts. Sainsbury is also experimenting with them.

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