Mike Reynolds, one of the most influential figures in the growth of Spar in the UK, has died at the age of 70. Reynolds was managing director of Spar UK from 1971-77, and current Spar UK md Morton Middleditch said: "He was a trader to his roots and he put Spar's trading proposition on the map. His influence and vision created the strong trading platform we have benefited from ever since." "When Mike took over, Spar had a small own label range but he built it up and it has been the bedrock of the business ever since." Former Spar md John Irish said: "Mike created a united entity and established Spar as a trading group." Reynolds worked for Marks & Spencer and BHS before joining Spar UK as trading controller in 1964. He was appointed joint md in 1968 and became sole md in 1971. Reynolds was also president of the National Grocers Benevolent Fund (now Caravan) in 1976-77 and was awarded a CBE in 1977 for services to the grocery industry. {{NEWS }}
