Somerfield is looking to communicate a fresh identity to consumers with a new corporate logo which made its debut this week. All stores will be rebadged with the new logo, which was unveiled at the Kingswood store in Bristol, but it will take at least two to three years, according to brand director Martin Sutherland. He said the logo would be added to stores as part of the group's refurbishment programme, but would be retro-fitted at stores which had already undergone refurbishment. Sutherland said: "The decision to change the logo was taken because Somerfield wanted to communicate fresh values to the customer, and because research told us that customers thought the old identity could be improved." He added: "Customers told us they wanted something more contemporary and fresher, but also something softer. The old logo was very corporate, upper case and boxed." "The new logo's colour scheme and lower case lettering create a softer, brighter image which is almost feminine and should appeal more to our female customers." Sutherland said the company had carried out in-depth research on a number of options with consumers, including erecting the new logo on a store. "The feedback couldn't have been better if we had written it ourselves," he added. The new image will also be reflected in store with new promotional point of sale. The retailer will still be using Megadeals, but the new signage will be circular instead of star shaped, and there will be a new typeface and colours. The move to revamp the logo comes a few months after the group unveiled a modified Kwik Save fascia, which will be rolled out to all the stores in that division as they are refurbished. {{NEWS }}
