WaitroseDeliver was the winner of this quarter's Star Order award for shopping excellence, knocking Tesco from the top spot. WaitroseDeliver impressed our shopper with high levels of customer service and all-round ease of use.

Our mystery shopper was already registered with the online service and said it did not take long for her to sign in. The logically set out website was easy to manoeuvre and appealing visually.

It took her 50 minutes to complete the online shop. Our WaitroseDeliver shopper was also impressed that the goods could be delivered between 9 and 11am the next morning - the earliest of any of the five online retailers - though she requested delivery three days later.

When her goods were delivered, they arrived well within the two-hour time slot and our shopper was impressed by the polite and helpful delivery man who helped her with the bags to the front door, although he did not take them into her kitchen.

There were no out of stocks and although two items were substituted, they were swapped with items of the same price, meaning she did not end up paying more. Her receipt was error-free and logically set out so she could quickly scan through the items she had bought.

Our shopper was also impressed that on the receipt there was a section that showed clearly what substitutions had been made.

The delivery driver took the time to mention the substitutions to our shopper, who was impressed the delivered goods had been split up according to category and that those containing items for the fridge were clearly labelled.

WaitroseDeliver also provided the fewest plastic bags, just eight, which our shopper said were well-packed.

"We pride ourselves on ensuring our customers can not only get what they want but also have a great shopping experience," said Richard Luck, WaitroseDeliver project manager.

"We are delighted that the hard work and dedication of our WaitroseDeliver branches has been reflected by The Grocer 33 and continue to work hard to further improve the service."
