The GMB union hosted the first of a series of screenings of the film &'Wal-Mart:The High Cost of Low Price&' across the country this week in venues close to Asda depots.
It coincided with the scheduled start of the ballot process for strike action at Asda depots on Friday (26 May) over collective bargaining rights and working conditions. Results were expected in June.
Union members, the public and media were invited to watch selected scenes from the film, followed by speeches by GMB officers and shop stewards from the Bristol depot. Mervyn Bernett, GMB officer for members working in Asda&'s Bristol depot, said: &"The film demonstrates that Asda is not prepared to accept that pay and condition agreements need to be fair and fairly arrived at.
&"We need a big vote from the Bristol depot for strike action to remedy this.&"
