Tesco's move into the People's Republic grabbed a good share of the headlines this week, with the papers all taking a different view on what the bigger story was. The Daily Express and The Daily Mail were interested in the fact that the store will be called Le Gou Tesco, meaning 'happy shopping', while The Times was much more concerned about the fact that you could buy live turtles at the store. According to the paper, about 20 million turtles are consumed in China each year and they are considered a delicacy.

It wasn't just live turtles that consumers were told to be wary of. More common foods, including cup soups, Peperami, bran flakes and Dairylea slices were also on many of the papers' hit lists this week because of their salt content. The Daily Mirror, The Guardian and the Daily Express all covered campaign group Consensus Action on Salt and Health's list of what it said were the worst offenders. The Daily Mirror took a rather sober approach to the story, with a headline that merely stated salt in food was still too high, but the Express had a slightly stronger opinion with the headline 'Shamed: The foods loaded with perilous levels of salt' and warning of the killer 'in every kitchen cupboard'.

The Daily Mirror had a nice story about a search for an original 1940s tin of Spam. Visitor attraction The World of James Herriot is said to have put out a plea for an original tin to put on display.
