Suppliers to Tesco have complained that the retailer is not allowing them to raise their prices until the end of the financial year in an attempt to keep prices down. The Telegraph reported the retailer had halted price increases until at least the end of the month under its so-called 'Project Iceberg' initiative. Tesco denied the project existed and any formal plans to freeze prices.

The Daily Mail claimed a victory in its campaign against binge drinking by reporting that Sainsbury's had taken a 26p-a-pint cider off its shelves following negative press coverage in its Sunday edition. The Basics label cider, which normally costs £1.20 for two litres or 34 a pint, was on offer for £3.60 for eight litres, the equivalent of 26p a pint. Sainsbury's said it ended the promotion because of a change in policy.

Monday's edition of The Daily Express picked up a story in this week's issue of The Grocer to proclaim: 'Price of food soars to all-time record.' Grain prices and energy bills had forced the cost of food production up, but instead of absorbing them, retailers were passing them on, it said.

Consumers have lost the art of pancake tossing and most families no longer mark Shrove Tuesday, according to the Daily Mirror. Flour company McDougalls found only two out of 10 families celebrated Pancake Day and only one in three were able to name the three ingredients - eggs, milk and flour.

Animal welfare and fair trade are far bigger concerns than climate change, according to a poll of UK shoppers. The poll found that only 4% rated climate change as their top ethical priority compared with 21% who said animal welfare was the most important issue and 14% who rated fair trade as their key concern. The findings came from a survey carried out by the Co-operative Group.
