Constellation Brands' announcement last week that it is to build a dedicated bottling plant alongside a bonded warehouse in Avonmouth has been hailed a significant step to producing more environmentally-friendly wines.

Andy Dawe, glass technology manager at WRAP, said the move, which will allow Constellation to ship more of its wine in bulk to the UK, highlights a growing trend within the wine industry for UK bottling.

"Momentum is growing in favour of importing wines in bulk and packaging them here. This is better for the environment and for the company, as there are clear cost benefits," he added.

Dawe leads WRAP's Glass Rite Wine project, which was launched a year ago to encourage bulk wine importing into the UK and the manufacture of lighter green glass.

"These aims are important in order to persuade suppliers of the benefits of bulk importing and provide them with green glass. Currently 80% of bottles made here are clear."

Constellation said that investment in the new plant was part of a plan to transform the UK operation. "Environmental performance will be enhanced as a result of reduced energy use and lower carbon emissions," said Troy Christensen, Constellation Europe's president.

Australian wine supplier Foster's has also said it is looking at ways of shipping more wine in bulk. "It makes more sense to bottle in the UK," said Neil Barker, commercial director UK and Ireland. "There is a cost benefit, but the environment is something consumers are more aware of."

Quality is an issue facing suppliers who wish to ship in bulk to the UK and WRAP is working on a project to monitor wine quality. It will report its results at the London International Wine & Spirit Fair in May.