When apples are eatennApples were consumed on 2.9 billion occasions during the past year, up 1% on the year before
nNearly a third are eaten out of a lunchbox (32%)
nHealth is the key driver for consumption, accounting for 69% of occasions Children are eating more apples, with lunchboxes key There is no seasonality in the consumption of apples, with levels during the summer and winter periods remaining consistent.
The core consumers of apples are adults aged 45-64, accounting for 50%.
But young adults aged 25-34 over-index on their consumption of apples compared with total fruit.
Children aged 6-10 and 11-16 are showing the strongest levels of increased consumption, up 11% and 8% respectively. Has all the media focus on healthy eating in schools encouraged parents to get their offspring to consume more fruit and vegetables?
It’s possible, but what we do know for sure is that health as a motivation for children’s eating habits has increased from a 17% share of all occasions to a 19% share.
The lunchbox occasion is key for the consumption of apples, accounting for 32% of all occasions.
Children account for 28% of all lunchbox occasions, with 36% of their lunchbox occasions featuring fruit, behind sandwiches, crisps and biscuits.
However, the in-home snack and breakfast occasions are the only instances to have increased apple consumption in the past year, up 1.7% and 21% respectively.
James Guild, TNS
Produced for The Grocer by TNS.
Year to May 2005. For more information call 01372 825770. Next week: canned tomatoes