Sir; Two items in your June 17 issue particularly caught my eye. On the one hand, there was the item on p11 entitled Londis retailers line up in Scotland', and on the other, the letter on p17 A symbol of excess'. I am an unaffiliated independent grocer in the Glasgow Central area. I myself prefer to purchase from the cash and carry obtaining considerably better cost prices as well as enjoying the flexibility of wider ranges and no minimum drop "tie-ins". What really irritates me is the continual visits and harassment that I have to endure from Londis representatives attempting to sell their "fat cat" organisation's services north of the border. Can't they understand, I've run my own business successfully for a good number of years using methods that suit my size of retail outlet, not by paying more than I need to in order to help fund someone else's cost laden inefficient operation! I say to you, Terry Bedford of Londis: Call your men off and leave me alone to run my business in peace!' D Patel Glasgow {{LETTERS }}