from Shamus Lehal, Wootton PO Londis, Wootton, Beds

Sir; In light of the recent offer to buy out Adminstore by Tesco for a reported £53.7m for 45 or so mainly leasehold stores, I think £40m is far too light a price to be selling Londis for.
Convenience is big business and the multiples want a large share of it.
Between £60m and £70m is not unreasonable and a far more realistic price with the bulk of it going to shopkeeper shareholders. We need to negotiate hard and hopefully KPMG will work with PALS (Preferred Alliance of Londis Shopkeepers) to put the case forward that Londis is a great deal for any potential buyer.
No other symbol group even comes close to the unique potential that Londis has both as a co-operative and also in running its own national distribution centres.