Shoppers have submitted nearly one million codes for Cravendale's latest on-pack reward scheme 12% more than when the promotion first ran last year.

The Kitchen Collectables promotion invites shoppers to collect on-pack codes that can be redeemed against Cravendale-branded kitchen paraphernalia. The scheme was first launched last August and a second run began in March.

Nearly 941,000 unique codes have been submitted and 39,000 products collected since March, said Cravendale senior brand manager Sam Dolan, and the scheme is ongoing. Cravendale's rewards ­website has also received 140,342 unique visits to date, she added.

Last year, Cravendale received almost three million codes and sent out nearly 300,000 reward items over the six-month duration of the promotion.

This year's scheme includes egg cups, latte cups and side plates.
