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Source: © Bank of England

 It has advised retailers visit the Bank of England website for tools on best practice 

The Association of Convenience Stores is warning retailers to watch out for counterfeit banknotes as the new King Charles III designs enter circulation on 5 June.

The trade body has advised that convenience store owners visit the Bank of England website for information on spotting fake notes that might enter circulation around the same time.

The site offers materials such as posters, booklets and educational videos aiming to minimise the risk posed by counterfeit notes in circulation. 

As well as using UV lamps and authentication machines to spot fakes, it advises on how shopworkers should deal with being presented with or inadvertently accepting a counterfeit. 

“We highly recommend all retailers to visit the website and review the training materials so that they can be prepared for the new King Charles notes next week,” said ACS CEO James Lowman.

“By understanding the best practices on checking for counterfeit notes, retailers and convenience colleagues can help to protect each other and continue the good work they do for communities across the UK.”