Holsten is using talking urinals and kebab wrappers in a bid to create a cult following for the It's the Daddy' campaign. The campaign began with TV ads for the lager featuring Ray Winstone asking Who's the Daddy?'­ of a range of common subjects, including crisps, films and wild animals. Holsten now wants to give Who's the Daddy' an unusual twist in the world outside TV and claims the use of kebab wrappers as an advertising medium is a first. Two million wrappers distributed by 700 outlets in London and Manchester have multiple choice answers for Who's the Daddy ­ or which is the best ­ kebab. The question of Who's the Daddy of sausages will be put to men using 250 talking urinals in London. The initiative will be backed by poster campaigns in a further 500 toilets. Holsten was relaunched in April with a £6m budget for TV advertising. Marketing director Andrew Edge said figures from analyst Milward Brown showed the brand had achieved 76% brand awareness compared with the norm of 56%. "The use of different media within the campaign is fun, different and original and provides the consumer with an unusual topic of discussion," he said. {{DRINKS }}