All Daily Bread articles – Page 112

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    Cheap supermarket pop


    With the news today that Asda is in talks to stop HMV’s iconic and cherished brand disappearing from the high street, questions of feasibility are not the only thoughts to spring to mind…

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    Waitrose plays it smart


    Waitrose has done it again. The supermarket has reported full-year sales and profits growth that its bigger rivals would kill for.

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    Feeling sorry for Coca-Cola


    I’ve been feeling a little bit sorry for Coca-Cola of late.

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    Never mind horsemeat, we need to talk about GM


    Is it time for the UK and others to embrace GM technology and save the world from a food security crisis?

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    Booze blues


    I rarely get on my high horse about an issue. Even as a student in the 80s, I’d sit with my mates in the pub as they got passionate about the miners’ strike or yuppies or something, while I’d be more concerned about whether my Snakebite was better with or without the Black…

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    Shutting the stable door?


    There’s just no pleasing some people. Philip Clarke had barely left the stage at the NFU conference in Birmingham…

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    Another year


    A year ago this week the government’s flagship approach to saving the high street was in full flow. It consisted of a competition on YouTube for town’s to come up with ideas to impress the self-styled Queen of Shops, Mary Portas.

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    Keeping their cool


    Tomorrow retailers will be bracing themselves for the latest supermarket share figures, with many worried for all sorts of reasons, not least of all the impact of the horsemeat scandal - and the numbers are not likely to be pretty, according to Kantar Worldpanel’s Ed Garner.Speaking at the British Frozen ...

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    Not horsing around


    Asda released its Q4 and full-year sales figures today, announcing a 0.1% increase in Q4 like-for-like sales and an uplift of 1% over the full year…

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    For he's a jolly Goodfella


    There’s nothing this industry likes more at times than a good sneer. And when Ranjit Singh Boparan took control of Goodfella’s Pizza in 2011 as part of his swoop on Northern Foods, certain quarters seemed to sneer in unison…

  • Comment and Opinion

    Does anyone know the way to Blockbuster?


    Amid all the continued shenanigans with horse meat and the industry taking another beating from doctors over obesity, Morrisons managed to deliver some much-needed cheer yesterday with the acquisition of 49 former Blockbuster Video stores…

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    It's all about trust


    Last week we welcomed Sainsbury’s group commercial director Mike Coupe as The Grocer’s latest guest editor.

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    Crisis management


    The horse meat scandal has been billed as a lesson in the inadequacies of our modern food supply chain. But it’s also a live case study – on a mega scale – of the varying approaches to crisis management PR.

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    Horse meat: the blame game


    The horsemeat scandal erupted into bitter recriminations and a torrent of legal threats over the weekend, as brands vowed to sue suppliers who vowed to sue sub-suppliers, and different EU governments engaged in vigorous finger-pointing.As I write this, the Romanian government has just hit back at suggestions by the French ...

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    Still in the red


    After years of heavy losses, Ocado is tantalisingly close to making a profit…

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    Averting a recipe for disaster


    Yesterday saw the launch of an ambitious project to create a food manifesto for the under-fives, to tackle the problems of poor diet among young children.

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    All in the name of progress


    Sir Terry Leahy is a legend in grocery. He grew Tesco from a retail contender to an all-conquering giant, pioneering initiatives like Clubcard and online shopping along the way…

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    Meet on the bones


    As I write this, retailers and meat processors are meeting the Food Standards Agency and Defra to discuss the latest developments in the ongoing meat mislabelling/DNA traces saga…

  • Comment and Opinion

    A bad day for good news


    After three weeks of being hauled over the coles by Tesco and co for its part in the #horsemeat scandal, this week, ABP Food Group finally had some more positive news to announce (with a little nudge from The Grocer)…

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    Getting busy with the fizzy


    As the days tick buy to the budget on 20 March, how many people think it will be a good time to bring in an entirely new tax to make hundreds of products on the shelves more expensive?