All Daily Bread articles – Page 120

  • Comment and Opinion

    When the going gets tuff...


    “You should never be afraid to copy what your friendly multiple’s latest idea is!” That advice came last weekend from Paul Delves, MD of leading independent Harry Tuffins…

  • Comment and Opinion

    Game changer


    Game Group has been given the chance to hit the reset button. OpCapita - no stranger to headline-grabbing deals after snapping up Comet for £2 last year…

  • Comment and Opinion

    Co-op banks on modernisation


    The Co-operative Group, the nation’s fifth biggest supermarket, released its full-year results this morning…

  • Comment and Opinion

    Sausage roll model


    Pasty-dodger George Osborne probably expected the fallout from the budget to focus on the top rate tax cut to 45p, which gave rich people more cash, or the freeze on tax allowances for pensioners, which gave poor people less…

  • Comment and Opinion

    I love it when a plan comes together


    The ACS and the BRC haven’t exactly seen eye to eye on a great deal recently. But today’s warmly received publication of the National Planning Policy Framework has bought an air of harmony to the world of British retail…

  • Richard Brasher, Tesco UK chief executive
    Comment and Opinion

    The fall guy


    The departure Richard Brasher represents a sad loss to Tesco and an inglorious exit for a man of significant retail talent.

  • Comment and Opinion

    The XXL Factor


    Fat men with weird facial hair bestowing gifts on total strangers is, of course, a tradition at this time of year.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Ocado clears the fridge when it should be basting the turkey


    The timing of Ocado’s profits warning couldn’t have been worse, laying out for all to see the extent of its…

  • Comment and Opinion

    Job Dun


    This morning C&C Group announced another set of healthy results, with profits up for the first half of the year.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Chinese walls


    After last month handing a new role to Dave Cheesewright, this week has brought more upheaval in the senior ranks at Walmart.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Where will it end?


    There’s a power dynamic in any relationship, even those where both parties secretly suspect they could do a bit better.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Chewing the fat


    When Hungary launched a fat tax in the summer it was greeted as much as a chance for witty headlines as a serious proposition for us Brits.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Anuga! Anuga!


    Every couple of years the world comes to Cologne in the shape of the Anuga food and drink show.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Nice little churner


    The X Factor: synonymous with tearful contestants, ridiculous ‘twists’ and, these days, extravagant ads for yoghurt.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Tesco's fighting talk


    Philip Clarke today had the unfortunate task of unveiling what many have described as Tesco’s worst interims for 20 years, despite a tidy rise in profits across the group.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Disconcertingly expensive


    Don’t say we didn’t warn you. About this time yesterday, Stella brewer AB InBev announced it was hiking wholesale prices by just short of 8% in response to continued upward pressure on costs.

  • Comment and Opinion

    If you don't buy a ticket...


    Today one national newspaper gave over its first three pages to coverage of the Health Lottery, the “exciting new game” set up by Daily Express and Red Hot Mums owner Richard Desmond. That paper, not surprisingly, is the Daily Express.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Green is the colour


    Saturday marked the 2011 edition of our annual Green Issue. It’s fashionable to point the finger at the food industry for the UK’s £12bn food waste mountain (as London mayor Boris Johnson continues to do). But there’s far more to it than promotions and excess packaging.

  • Comment and Opinion

    The responsibility Delia


    There are all kinds of reasons not to like celebrity chefs: envy of their boyish good looks, say, the fact they never have to wash up, or their ability to do things with a courgette and a peeler than would make grown men weep.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Morrisons' missing millions


    Scanning the national newspapers this morning you might be forgiven for coming to the conclusion that today was the proverbial slow news day.