All Daily Bread articles – Page 121

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    Rubber gloves at the ready


    The 76% full-year pre-tax profits slump at own-label cleaning products manufacturer McBride would have had How Clean is Your House stars Kim Woodburn and Aggie MacKenzie donning their rubber gloves in readiness this morning.

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    Not so big in Japan


    The principle of not losing face is deeply ingrained in Japanese culture. Luckily for Tesco it’s not such a problem for the Brits.

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    Batten down the hatches


    In our current issue, we reveal how Tesco is ratcheting up the pressure in the supermarket milk wars by switching its Creamfields discount brand to semi-skimmed and whole milk for the first time.

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    Peter Marks' very long game


    Peter Marks, boss of The Co-operative Group, declared this morning that trading conditions were “the worst” he had seen “in over 40 years of retailing”.

  • Comment and Opinion

    It's cheese, James, but not as we know it


    Few product launches whip up the media storm swirling around Alex James and his new line of cheeses, with surely only some of the attention due to his former life as bassist for Blur.

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    Out of sight, out of mind


    For years small retailers have blamed the big-box, out-of-town shopping centres and a light touch planning system for what we all recognise these days as the death of the high street.

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    Up for the Cup


    Who’s your star of 2011? Today we’d like to give you a nudge in the direction of our nominations for The Grocer Cup.

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    Gordon's tonic


    Daily Bread would have very little time for anything else if we pointed out every national newspaper ‘exclusive’ that comes from The Grocer’s archives.

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    Symington's new golden oldies


    So that’s who feels like Chicken Tonight. There had to be someone.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Irene's delicious irony


    Big news Stateside: Irene Rosenfeld has delivered a major bombshell, announcing that Kraft Foods will be split into two, independent, publicly-traded companies.

  • Comment and Opinion

    The best laid plans


    On the surface, the government’s National Planning Policy appears to be appears to favour town-centre development.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Carrying the can


    Today’s figures from Wrap represent the first time since records began that the number of single-use carrier bags being handed out has gone up instead of down.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Reckitt gets less Bang for its buck


    Phew. You don’t have to cancel ‘date night’ with the other half, or abandon those plans to pelt improvised water bombs at an unsuspecting neighbour.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Something wifi


    Tesco is reported to be offering free wifi access in four of its stores, and is expected to roll the service out across its estate should the trial prove successful.

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    ...and a pint for the lady


    In the new poll on, you’ll have the chance to answer one of the drinks trade’s great imponderables: can a beer aimed at women be a success?

  • Comment and Opinion

    Tim Mason's two-way Main Street


    Today the Financial Times talks to Fresh & Easy boss Tim Mason about his wider brief at Tesco since taking on the group deputy chief executive job earlier this year.

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    The not so mighty Quinn


    Musgrave Group today announced plans to pick up the debris from the sudden - if not entirely surprising – demise of Irish retailer Superquinn.

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    How to win friends and influence people


    Tesco today announced plans to launch a loyalty card in the US. The card will initially be available at seven stores in California.

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    The only way is up


    Like the Mounties, Premier Foods today finally got its man.

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    It's not you, it's me


    Is there such a thing as an amicable divorce? Yesterday Sainsbury’s announced that its 11-year romance with Jamie Oliver is drawing to a close.