All Daily Bread articles – Page 122

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    Once bitten, twice shy


    Greencore’s hunger for a transformational deal was finally sated today, with the news that it has bagged Uniq for £113m.

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    Weathering the Twitter storm


    Tesco has lost at least one customer as a result of the News of the World scandal: Labour MP Chris Bryant won’t be shopping there this evening.

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    Balancing hacked


    Many of us will have woken up this morning to news of the latest depressing twist in the tragic story of Milly Dowler.

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    Size matters


    Size isn’t everything. Then again, as anyone who forked out £15 to watch David Haye on Saturday night will tell you, a good big’un beats a good littl’un.

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    Premier's price of success


    Bad news travels fast. This week The Grocer has been investigating reports that one of the major supermarkets has de-listed a raft of Premier Foods products.

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    Everything must go


    As if it wasn’t already obvious, today we got another vivid symbol of the turbulence on the high street.

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    Back of the net


    Typical. You wait months for a sustainable fish initiative and then a whole bunch come along at once.

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    Gold standard


    Last night The Grocer crowned its annual champions, dishing out 25 awards to the industry’s finest at a black-tie bash in London’s Guildhall.

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    King's royal flush


    Three months ago, Sainsbury’s supremo Justin King caused a few eyebrows to be raised when he claimed the Royal Wedding was “not a sales opportunity in any meaningful way”.

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    Where Tesco leads, others follow. Marks & Spencer might be a very different business but the high street giant has followed Tesco’s example with a shake-up of the pay for its top bosses.

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    2011: a floorspace odyssey


    Arthur C Clarke always said he was an optimist. Not for him the rainy, oppressive dystopia of 1984 or Bladerunner.

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    Putting down Roots


    When does the little guy become the big guy? At what point does a cottage industry become a sprawling commercial empire with fingers in every metaphorical pie?

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    Southern's cross to bear


    There’s a piece in today’s Financial Times taking a look at how sale and leaseback deals have both helped and hindered UK businesses.

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    Tesco's money-go-round


    At the start of his reign Philip Clarke said Tesco would not be going all “touchy-feely” on us. But he did promise a change in tone, including a vow to make the leadership of the business more transparent than it had been.

  • Comment and Opinion

    When ignorance isn't Bliss


    You know you’re in trouble when you’re being called racist by the Daily Mail. That’s the unlikely position Cadbury found itself in yesterday.

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    Danes play the blame game


    Rarely a day goes by without us getting sent research of variable reliability purporting to shed some light on what’s going on in consumers’ heads.

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    Long and binding road


    Today the Grocery Code Adjudicator Bill was finally published, marking the beginning of the final chapter in this long and tortuous saga. Or perhaps it’s the end of the opening chapter.

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    The only thing worse than being talked about


    Few people these days will believe there’s really no such thing as bad publicity. Even so, most marketers would consider a few snarky comments from internet critics a price worth paying for acres of free coverage.

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    Gluten-free goes super-Novak


    On Saturday The Times reported with some gusto that food intolerances were a figment of our oversensitive and pampered western imaginations.

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    Clarke starts to feel the quality


    In The Times today, Andy Clarke is again banging the drum on his supermarket’s new focus on quality.