All Daily Bread articles – Page 124

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    The Irish example


    These days Ireland’s economy resembles not so much the Celtic tiger of yore as a rather mangy tabby that’s gone through the spin cycle one too many times. So it’s novel for a commentator to look in that direction for an example of sound economic management.

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    Today the government’s Responsibility Deal was made public, along with the names of 170 companies that have signed up to its various well-meaning pledges.

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    Looking after number one


    A little later on this afternoon, BBC Radio 4 will broadcast an interview with Sir Terry Leahy. Filmed in the final few weeks of his reign, the former Tesco chief will trace his path from Toxteth tearaway to retailing legend.

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    Dalton's web of intrigue


    Morrisons today unveiled its latest annual results, with profits up a healthy 13% and like-for-likes increasing by an altogether more modest 0.9%. More eye-catching than the underwhelming sales performance was the news that Morrisons is sensationally taking on both the US and the whole internet in one fell swoop.

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    Smoking guns, ticking timebombs


    Andrew Lansley today confirmed that the controversial tobacco display ban is to go ahead, dashing the genuine hopes for a reprieve still harboured by many retailers.

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    Children of the revolution


    Grocer Towers is often the scene of fearsome debate, as our newshounds compare leads, dissect the strategies of the companies we write about and, most commonly, row about whose turn it is to make the tea.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Time is of the Essenta


    Yesterday PayPoint claimed victory in its long-running battle to stop Camelot muscling in on its turf by offering commercial services via its tills. And there was more good news for the payment provider today, having bagged a seven-year gig to replace the Post Office dishing out welfare payments.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Terry, we hardly knew ye


    Elvis has left the building. Okay, so Sir Terry Leahy is probably few people’s idea of a rock star. But for UK grocery, his long-awaited exit represents as seismic a departure as when rock and roll died on a Las Vegas toilet in 1977.

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    Price wars... what are they good for?


    Too much messing about with computers, it said. No one is going to want to go shopping, come home and start faffing about with the internet to see if what they have already bought might have been cheaper elsewhere, it cried.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Agenda benders


    Last week it was meat. In the battle for hearts and minds, conflicting reports appeared in the space of a couple of days: first busting the “myths” about red meat increasing the risk of cancer, then suggesting those myths were all too real.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Satisfaction not guaranteed


    Asda today published its full-year results – or rather, the collection of cherry-picked factoids that passes for a breakdown of its financial performance. Sales were up 1.6% on a like-for-like basis in the fourth quarter, representing something of a turnaround from the slow-motion car-crash of last year.

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    GSCOP, bad cop


    Fittingly, the Adjudicator has had an air of mystery about it ever since the grocery ombudsman was given its rather Kafka-esque name last AugustClicks:4 (CTR 2.96%).

  • Comment and Opinion

    Nocton's technical knockout


    They say letter-writing is a lost art (although subscribers to can receive their Daily Bread via snail-mail on the back of a postcard of Crawley if they really want to).

  • Comment and Opinion

    The Kiddi's alright


    So the City rumour mill was right – sort of. Morrisons was looking to get its hands on an online retailer after all – just not Ocado, much to the disappointment of many speculative shareholders in the posh food retailer.

  • Comment and Opinion

    Fair's fare


    Last week the papers were up in arms over the news that a shopworker in Essex had been arrested after helping herself to a pile of spoiled stock thrown out by Tesco following a power cut.

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    Tug of Laura


    They used to say you really never leave the KGB. Or the CIA, for that matter. Apropos of nothing, it’s hard to think of many people who’ve jumped ship early from Tesco in recent times and gone on to genuinely bigger and better things.

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    George of the retail jungle


    So George Davies is said to be launching a clothing line with a Yorkshire-based supermarket chain.

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    Doom and boom


    Spring may not yet be in the air but two of the drinks trade’s heavyweight players today kicked off seasonal offensives. Months of suitably wintry doom and gloom surrounding beer prices and the challenges faced by Britain’s biggest beer brands were punctuated first by The Grocer’s world exclusive that Stella ...

  • Comment and Opinion

    Milestones and millstones


    Ocado boss Tim Steiner was today trumpeting a “landmark year” for the online retailer. He’s not wrong. The long-awaited flotation got away despite more prophecies of doom than an Old Testament epic.

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    Asda's running battle


    Football fans will know that today is transfer deadline day – and with Liverpool seemingly poised to splash out £35m on pony-tailed carthorse Andy Carroll, there’s surely a suitably clumsy metaphor to be found about shopping around for value.