All Dairy articles – Page 183


    Mars adds indulgence to probiotic category with Galaxy drink


    Mars is taking on Yakult and Danone in the ailing probiotic drinks market with the launch of a Galaxy shot and other Mars brands could follow. The company is targeting sales of 10% of the £220m dairy shots market within the next few...

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    Act now to secure future milk supply


    The dairy farming sector is not, as I was quoted as saying in The Grocer's The Dairymen supplement, dead. However, it is definitely in crisis. According to DairyCo data for the 12 months ending March 2009, farmers' gross margins continue at...

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    Around the Papers 22/9/09


    Tesco ad row; Stilton 'from Stilton' sensation; Jesus 'would shop at Aldi'

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    How radical do we need to be?


    Wine in cans? Boxless breakfast cereals? Milk cartons made of chalk? Corn-based plastic? We look at the latest innovations - and what's on the drawing board. By Adam Leyland, Alex Black and Joanne Grew

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    Kerrygold cuts its packaging by 90 tonnes


    Kerrygold has cut its packaging by more than 90 tonnes a year since moving to a new cheese packing facility in May.The company had saved about 60 tonnes of cardboard by changing the design of some of its boxes and by reducing the board...

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    Shoppers choose low-fat dairy as taste improves


    Nine out of 10 shoppers now buy low-fat dairy products and six out of 10 believe that lower-fat variants taste as good or better than full-fat equivalents, an exclusive new survey has indicated. The survey, carried out for The Grocer by...


    Alpro opens door to Europe for Dean Foods - but how far?


    US dairy giant Dean Foods beat Nestle and Unilever to buy Alpro. But could soya milk ever become mainstream in the UK, asks Michael Barker

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    Onken ad campaign to promote flavours


    Dr Oetker has launched a £500,000 advertising campaign for its Onken Fruit Big Pot yoghurts range. The three-month print campaign, which started on 31 August, will promote Onken's Big Pot fruit, wholegrain and limited-edition ranges. Two...


    Acid Test: Ben & Jerry's Phish Food Frozen Yoghurt


    Is the new phrozen yoghurt phantastic or does it phizzle out and phall phlat?

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    Milk turns emotional with £7.5m campaign


    A new £7.5m three-year campaign to promote milk consumption in England, Scotland and Wales will be launched in the new year.The campaign, which will run under the slogan Make Mine Milk, will be the first to promote both fresh and...

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    Other Movers 12/9/09


    Richard Greenhalgh has announced his retirement as chairman of farmer-owned co-op First Milk. He will depart at the agm on 29 October. Last week The Grocer reported that Robert Shearlaw had quit as vice chairman.

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    Yoghurt with real culture


    Take 100 pedigree cows, an artistic aristocrat and one big idea. What do you get? Great yoghurt. Richard Ford reports on Clandeboye's diversification

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    Dairy investigation launched over new butter mountain


    The European Commission has launched a Europe-wide investigation into supermarket dairy pricing, after finding huge commodity price drops had led to a retail price drop of just 2%. The Grocer first highlighted disparities in retail and...

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    Is butter mountain more of a molehill this time around?


    Huge EU stockpiles are supposed to be a thing of the past. But just two years after it was levelled, the butter mountain is back and is set to top 100,000 tonnes before the end of the year. The European Commission stepped in at the...

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    Economy to blame for FrieslandCampina's 15% drop in sales


    Yazoo manufacturer FrieslandCampina has blamed a 15% fall in turnover on the economic crisis and falling demand for dairy. The Dutch co-operative giant this week reported revenue down 15% to 4.1bn for the first half, with operating...

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    EC eyes butter subsidies to ease industry’s unrest


    The European Commission is considering the reintroduction of subsidies to encourage manufacturers to use more butter in their products.Under the proposals, manufacturers of ice-cream, bakery and other products would be offered...

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    Return of the EU’s butter mountain


    Oversupply of dairy across Europe and falling prices have heralded a return of the EU butter mountain.When prices fall below a certain point, the European Union steps in and buys up surplus butter for a minimum price, leading to huge...

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    Commodities: The butter mountain’s back... but not for the long term


    Milk prices are so low that the EU has had to intervene but the news is not as bad for the industry as it sounds, reports Mintec's Liliana Gonzalez

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    Arla’s voyage of Discovery goes orbital


    Arla has carved itself an unusual niche market by going into orbit.Astronauts on board the Discovery space shuttle are being supplied with the Danish producer's milk bites during their 13-day tour to the International Space Station...

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    There is another whey


    Blur's Alex James spends rather more time making cheese than playing the guitar and has now gained listings in Sainsbury's, as he tells Ronan Hegarty