All Dairy articles – Page 261

  • News

    Raw milk: Processor rises blasted as derisory' by the NFU


    Multiples are paying more to processors with Asda making it a condition of supply British dairy farmers are furious with the outcome of the latest set of raw milk prices offered by processors. The National Farmers' Union has branded Dairy Crest's...

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    Milk: Farm gate prices fall for fourth consecutive year


    Farm gate prices for milk have been dropping for four years in succession, according to Ministry of Agriculture figures, In the first half of this year the average price was 15.88p a litre, 35% down on the first half of 1996 and 12% down on last...

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    Milk: NFU's Bennett warns of dairy industry collapse


    Farmers need 22p a litre to survive' The National Farmers' Union has warned that the UK dairy industry could collapse before Christmas because farmers are still being paid less for milk than it costs to produce. The report British Milk ­ What...

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    BEEF: Butter and butchery still closely linked trades


    Milk price rise highlights dairy sector's role in meat industry Meat buyers dependent on home produced beef supplies may have a slightly more secure trading outlook following the latest round of milk price increases, led by Asda and Safeway....

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    Olivio spread buttered up in bid to get more taste appeal


    Van den Bergh Foods' Olivio brand ­ a pioneer of the olive oil based spread sector ­ is going retro with the launch of Olivio with Butter in a traditional style block format. This may seem an unusual move as it makes the brand look similar to more...

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    Wotsits turn into potato


    Golden Wonder’s Wotsits Mealtime Potato Shapes ­ its first non-bagged snack launch for 30 years ­ brings the kids’ brand head to head with KP Hula Hoops in the frozen potato products market. The cheese flavoured, foil packed, mainmeal…

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    The US functional drink sector is becoming segmented as manufacturers launch new products targeted at a specific group of consumers, such as those with lactose-intolerance. Clover Farms has launched NuVim, which has many of the nutritional benefits...

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    EU Skimmed milk powder mountains levelled


    The scale of the surge in demand for milk powder can be seen in the steady fall in intervention stocks across Europe through the summer. From just over 44,000t in July, buffer stocks have plunged to barely half that figure, totalling 22,290t but...

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    Discounters: Discount heaven (Accrington)


    What factors influence shopper choice in a town with many low price operators? Julian Hunt goes back to his home town to find out Thanks to those blasted milk ads, my home town of Accrington is better known for its football team than the fact it...

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    Müller gets into probiotics


    Branded yogurt market leader Müller is aiming for a foothold in the growing probiotic sector with this week's launch of Vitality ­ three flavours of premium single- serve low fat probiotic yogurt. The range comes in raspberry, apricot and pineapple...

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    Brussels report: Milk powder mountains levelled at last


    A booming world market and declining domestic production has allowed the EU to clear its once huge stocks of skim milk powder and slash export subsidies. Intervention stores, which traditionally have held at least 100,000t of SMP and often over...

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    The Grocer focus on gardening products


    Analysis by Sheila Eggleston Bread, milk, weedkiller and plant food isn't such an unlikely mix in the shopping basket. As retailers continue to extend their offer to consumers, garden products is an obvious area to exploit. At stake is a bigger...

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    A toast to Douglas


    Arla Foods aims to harness the appeal of Lurpak brand ambassador Douglas with a limited edition toast rack pack offer from September 1. The packs, which follow last year's Douglas butter dish offer, are priced at £3.19 and include two 250g packs...

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    Irish have secret weapon'


    Exclusive Clive Beddall, Dublin The Irish Dairy Board is to turn up the heat in its campaign to end consumer confusion in the controversial spreadable butter market. With availability of its "100% natural" Kerrygold product growing in UK...

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    Pizzas with Cheestrings attached


    Exclusive Karen Dempsey Kids' cheese snack brand Cheestrings is extending into the "mini meal" hot snacks market. The first mini meal out of the Cheestrings kitchen is DIY Pizzas. Positioned as a "home from school and starving" kind of snack, all...

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    Signing on for therapy


    Signature Foods is extending its Cadbury Fresh Cream Cakes range with the addition of Choc Chunk Cheesecake on September 1. The new pack, which contains two cheesecakes made with Cadbury's milk chocolate chunks and fresh cream, joins Cadbury's...

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    Milk: Shortage looms thanks to fall in producer numbers


    Despite having one of the most technically efficient dairy industries in Europe, doubts persist among UK milk marketers that this year's milk quota will be filled. This is because of substantial drops in the number of cows being milked, which...

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    It's a creamier start to the day


    Robert Wiseman Dairies is bringing out a creamier breakfast milk on to the market. It anticipates that its Fresh'N'Creamy Milk for Breakfast will appeal to cereal eaters and coffee drinkers. The new breakfast milk is made from pasteurised milk...

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    Colours for a fitter future


    Dairy Crest is focusing on its milk range's healthy image with a packaging redesign that suggests movement and fitness. The new design will appear on all fresh pasteurised whole, semi-skimmed, skimmed and homogenised milk in one pint Tetra top...

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    Producing at a loss can't go on


    Sir, In your recent dairy supplement (July 1) you state that when Asda (closely followed by the other multiples) cut the price of a four pint polybottle of milk from 89p to 83p it took a cut in margin. Once upon a time, 89p was a loss leader...