Cheapest own-label, 250g
cathedral city1.681.59+0.09
Own-label mature, 250g-300g, per kg
Own-label free-range, large, 6-pack
Own-label fresh, whole, pint
blue stilton6.907.03-0.13
Own-label pre-packed, per kg
TOTAL(£) 16.00 15.77 +0.23

The price of our basket of dairy items has risen 1.5% over the past 10 weeks, but it is still cheaper now than in the previous survey on March 7.
Cheese accounted for two price rises in the latest survey, with own-label mature Cheddar now 5.9% more expensive than in the last survey, after rises of 7.6% at three of the four retailers.
Cathedral City mature Cheddar is now 5.7% more expensive, after rises at all four multiples.
The price rises reflect increases in the price paid to suppliers of milk for cheese, after calls from producers to help pay for added milk supply chain costs.
However, the price of own-label Blue Stilton fell by 1.8%, fuelled by lower prices at Sainsbury and Tesco, while Asda maintained a special offer price.
Own-label butter fell 7% since the last survey. This follows a price cut at Sainsbury, bringing its price in line with the other three major retailers.